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3 Scientific Papers have been accepted by ASCO, to be presented at this year’s conference in June.
Genekor scientists, Hospitals and Doctors participated in the investigations, presenting substantial findings concerning the choice of personalized treatment for cancer.
The ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) annual meeting is one of the most important events in the field of oncology, bringing together leading experts, researchers and practitioners to share the latest developments in cancer treatment and care.
Titles of announcements:
Abstract 2: The application of a multigene NGS assay in homologous recombination deficiency tracking.
Abstract 3: Increasing targeted therapy options for mCRPC patients using multigene NGS panel.
Οι Επιστημονικές Ανακοινώσεις της Genekor που έγιναν δεκτές στο Συνέδριο ASCO 2023 αντικατοπτρίζουν τη δέσμευση της εταιρείας μας στην προώθηση της μοριακής βιολογίας και της έρευνας για τον καρκίνο.
Our goal is to continue to contribute to the understanding and personalized treatment of cancer