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Screening and genetic monitoring effectively prevents, treats and cures breast cancer
Hereditary cancer syndromes, which account for about 10-15% of all diagnosed cancers, are known to be caused by inherited mutations in specific genes in our body.
Today we have the technology and the knowledge to analyse these genes and can determine the heredity of the disease and therefore prevent, treat and cure it in a personalised and effective way. One type of cancer in which recent years have seen rapid advances in molecular biology and our ability to analyse and use knowledge from genes is breast and/or ovarian cancer, most popularly BRCA1 and BRCA2. In a large proportion of high-risk families, however, the analysis of these two genes has been shown to be negative, as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are not the only genes associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. With the innovative multi-gene analysis HerediGENE (, a group of 33 genes associated with the most common hereditary cancer syndromes, including breast and ovarian cancer, are fully analysed, contributing to both cancer prevention and treatment. Important news is also the fact that the list of oncological biomarkers that are reimbursed by EOPYY and the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were recently updated, making the HerediGENE analysis more accessible to even more patients.
Who it is for
Genekor Medical SA.