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Daphne Karavokyri shares her new documentary on Hereditary Cancer and the HerediGene genetic test she performed at Genekor.
Daphne Karavokyri shares her new documentary on Hereditary Cancer and the HerediGene genetic test she performed at Genekor.
Having a history of cancer in her family, she underwent a genetic test in our lab and through the discussion she had with the CEO of Genekor Nikos Tsoulos, the Scientific Director Dr. George Nassioulas, and the two Molecular Biologists, specializing in hereditary diseases, Georgia Pepe and Konstantinos Agiannitopoulos, gave all the answers about hereditary cancer and the HerediGene examination process that analyzes 43 genes, including BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are associated with increased risk of developing breast, ovarian and other hereditary cancers.
Learn more about the HerediGene assay here.