18 June, 2020

New Genetic Testing of Genekor Medical S.A. – PrIMe.

PrIMe – “Precision Individualized Medicine”

The new Genekor Medical S.A. PrIMe gene test with 500+ genes and the biomarkers MSI, TBM and PD-L1 in patients with solid tumors has been officially launched.

The PrIMe analysis consists of a panel of 500+ genes and the immunotherapy biomarkers MSI, TMB and PD-L1. It is one of the most detailed, sensitive and accurate tests for imaging tumour biology, allowing doctors to design an effective personalised treatment plan for the patient, including immunotherapies.

Who PrIMe is for

The PrIMe test provides a detailed outline of the tumour biology, which is used by the physician to design the most effective personalised treatment plan for the patient.

The test can be used in the following cases:
1. Aggressive tumours without standard treatment (e.g. pancreatic cancer)
2. When the first treatment plan has been completed but more treatment options need to be considered.
3. Rare tumours
4. Tumours of unknown primary.
5. Untreated tumours based on an established golden rule.
6. Tumours with various treatment options available where the doctor has to decide which will be most effective in a particular patient (such as lung cancer).

7. For a clear indication of the patient’s immune response to let the physician know if an immunotherapy plan would be appropriate and/or in order to create the most effective immunotherapy plan.