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Precision medicine is an innovative approach to patient care and it has become a reality in today’s scientific society. A better genetic understanding of each and every disease may be a weapon in the hands of physicians in order to handle each case independently and precisely.
The days that doctors used to handle all the patient cases with a specific established pattern for every disease belong to the past. The past decade, the global market for personalized medicine is growing rapidly and the use of molecular diagnostics has become more necessary than ever.
An insight to a patient’s genetic blueprint can help in the design of a proper treatment plan, tailored especially in his personal needs. As a result, a patient can avoid the side effects of unnecessary treatments as well as overtreatment or even undertreatment at some cases.
Precision medicine allows physicians to understand the unique biology of each patient through molecular testing and to select the optimal treatment depending on those unique characteristics unlocking the path to the core of each complex disease.
Technologies and platforms that support this genetic-based approach are being constantly developed, leading to a rapid evolution of the global healthcare system along with the use of the latest technologies. Biotech companies have begun to incorporate those scientific projects into evidence-based protocols for medical practice based on identifiable clinical indicators.
Accessing a person’s genetic data can lead to the reveal of genetic predisposition for various diseases, even a person is not a patient himself. The latest healthcare guidelines indicate the performance of genetic screening in big subgroups of people stronger than ever and this is another clue that confirms that precision medicine based on genetic screening is here to stay.
Precision medicine through genetic screening is an emerging approach that looks at the root cause of every disease, rather than addressing its symptoms alone. By collecting and analyzing an advanced data set containing biological, genetic and lifestyle information we can lead to results and evidence that may be key indicators for the advancement of the global healthcare, the elimination of numerous diseases, the minimization of the great amount of money that is spent in unnecessary treatments and the overall well-being of the modern societies.